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A day (or two) in the life…

May 1, 2018 | Life | 0 comments

Audrey and Flavia

And also I drink wine with friends while traveling the world
May 2018 – London, UK

A friend asked me recently: “but really, what do you do during a day?”

We have been friends for almost a year and over the last few months, we shared a lot about our professional and creative endeavors. Still, somehow, she had no idea what I was doing for a living. I don’t find it surprising at all, I, myself, have a hard time answering that question.

What do you do with your day?

When I chose my career, early on, I knew I didn’t want a repetitive job.  That’s probably why after a stint at journalism, I decided to develop my skills in the agency world. There, no risk of being bored… I would work on the print documents for a fancy ski resort one day and a catalog for appliances or electrical supplies the next. I would manage packaging redesign, product or brand name research, corporate identities, and, later on, advertising and media purchase. I loved it.

Variety has always been a important condition to my well-being. Did I mention that I surely qualify as a multipotentialite?

However, it’s true that I have pushed the limits even further for the past 10 years. So what do I do today? How do I spend a random day?

If you’d ask my grandmother what I do for a living, she’d (very proudly) tell you that I work behind a computer. The real answer is a mix of all this:

I answer emails. Emails are a form of conversation. So whether it is clients, students, or my team members. I try to spend the time needed into carrying this conversation, often through the medium of email.

I write blog articles. I have always loved writing. No wonder I now carry several blogs. There’s this one, of course, but also my travel blog: UneVagabonde, and my bi-monthly participation in RDEMarketing’s blog.

I prepare classes. Since I moved back to France, I have spent quite some time in school preaching teaching young minds the value of entrepreneurial thinking and the benefits of a well planned, prepared and executed marketing strategy (digital or not).

I grade papers. That goes without saying with the previous element. Although, I’m still unsatisfied with most evaluation systems and I’m still working on creating something of my own to assess progress and interest while maintaining a healthier personalization of expectations.

I conduct meetings. A weekly team meeting to check on our various current projects and clients. As needed client meeting or coaching sessions to assess our progress and the direction we’re headed. When the client is a school, there are also pedagogical meetings, where we discuss how well a syllabus or a class are received and how we can improve on them.

I talk to people. We have clients. Our clients have clients. As marketers it is crucial that we stay abreast of what these people are thinking and wanting. Best way to do so is to talk to them. Plus it does good to my professional network. Win-win.

I read. Articles, blog posts, books… you name it. If I don’t read, I don’t learn. If I don’t learn, I die a little bit inside.

I plot. Not just world domination but product launches, learning strategies, lesson plan, advertising campaigns… whatever we’re hired for.

Since, really, that IS the best way to summarize what I do with my day: I’m a brain for hire. Tell me what you want to achieve and I’ll find a way.

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